Learn more about the valuable resources available for unpaid carers.

Content NHS Mid and South Essex 

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we move forward together in our mission to improve health and wellbeing, I am excited to share some important updates and opportunities with you.

First, a big thank you to everyone who participated in our recent weight management survey. We received lots of valuable feedback which will be instrumental in shaping this effective health programme for the future.

Updates and articles for you in this issue:

  • Progress update: Public Consultation on changes to NHS community based services.
  • The stroke stewardship focuses on community rehab beds in mid and south Essex.
  • Take part in the Measuring Loneliness (INTERACT) study, led by Imperial’s School of Public Health and partners. 
  • Valuable resources now available for unpaid carers.
  • Emergency contraception survey – your insights can help to improve services for those who may need emergency contraception.

You can find out more about all these topics within the newsletter. Thank you for being an essential part of our community efforts. If you have anything you want to know more about or wish to give any feedback on this issue of Engage News, please get in touch with us at mseics.getinvolved@nhs.net.

One last thing, don’t forget to join us on our engagement platform, MSE Virtual Views, our online community dedicated to exchanging views and listening to you to help us to improve local health and care services.

By signing up, you will be able to keep up to date with progress of projects and provide your views to help inform future plans, policies and services of local NHS organisations. Just click here to sign up.

Warm regards, 

Tina Starling
Senior Insight and Involvement Manager

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