Keep your kids smiling and make brushing FUN!

Content originally from NHS Mid and South Essex

Getting kids to brush their teeth can be challenging, but we know it is important for kids to learn and create great oral health habits early on to ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.To help you to help your kids, we have created a FREE children’s toothbrushing chart to help make brushing fun!
Oral Health: Three top tips video
Child oral health: 3 top tips
Healthy teeth are an important part of your child’s overall health and well-being. They help your child eat and talk. It’s important to develop good dental habits as your child grows to avoid infection, disease, or other teeth problems. Katie, a dentist from Essex has three top tips to support parents in looking after their child’s oral health.
Bright smiles are healthy smiles!
Dr Sophia Morris, local dentist and clinical lead at NHS Mid and South Essex, shares some top tips to help your kids get the best start and avoid tooth decay.A few simple rules: Supervise brushing your children’s teeth for two minutes twice a day last thing at night and one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste.Remember to spit out toothpaste and not rinse, as rinsing washes away the fluoride protection.Ensure your child visits the dentist by the age of one or when they get their first tooth and then on a regular basis.Cut down on your children’s sugary foods and drinks to prevent tooth decay.By doing these very simple things you can help create good habits for life and avoid the discomfort of toothache, fillings or worst still tooth extractions.
More help to make brushing fun!On our website you can find information about how to support children to brush their teeth and how much toothpaste to use, as well as access tools, activities and music to make brushing fun!
Oral health advice
Did you know?
You do not have to pay for NHS dental services if you’re under 18, or under 19 and in full-time education. pregnant or have had a baby in the last 12 months. If you do not have a dentist you can visit the website and look for a dentist in your area who is accepting NHS patients.
Note: the availability changes on a regular basis. If you continue to have difficulty finding a dentist, you can call NHS England’s Customer Contact Centre on 0300 311 2233