Welcome to our first edition of Engage News!

Content originally from NHS Mid and South Essex

Welcome to our first edition of Engage News! A monthly e-newsletter to bring updates and news about engagement and involvement opportunities and activities, across the mid and south Essex area, using our engagement platform MSE Virtual Views.

Each month we will illustrate how we are working with our local communities to improve health, reduce health inequalities and improve the experience of people who use our services.

An Important part of the Integrated Care System (ICS) is having a ‘working with local people and communities approach’, to ensure local residents are involved in our decision making processes.The insights and diverse thinking of local people and communities is essential to help us to deliver our priorities and to tackle health inequalities. We aim to involve residents from all sections of the community, particularly those who struggle to access health and care services due to inequalities. 

We hope, that by working together, it will help us to improve all aspects of local health care and will give people the power to live healthier lives.
Tina Starling
Senior Insight and Involvement Manager

To read the full bulletin, please click here