
Content originally from GOV.UK

Recent data shows an increase to 2004 cases of Travel-acquired Malaria confirmed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland following travel abroad in 2023, compared to 1369 in 2022. Cases were confirmed in individuals who had recently been abroad. This is the first time cases have exceeded 2000 since 2001.  The rise is linked to the resurgence of malaria in many countries and an increase in overseas travel following the removal of pandemic restrictions.

All malaria cases are preventable and simple steps like using insect repellent, covering exposed skin, sleeping under treated bed nets and taking malaria prevention tablets can lower infection risks. If infected symptoms can be non-specific and flu-like including fever, cough and diarrhoea can also be seen. Travellers feeling unwell during their trip should seek medical help while abroad. When returning to the UK, if feeling unwell, individuals should promptly seek medical attention and ensure they inform their healthcare provider that they have been travelling recently.