Find your active

Let’s welcome in the month of May by setting new goals and making small changes to look after our wellbeing! May brings new possibilities and this month it’s an opportunity to reflect on how we move.

Building activity into our daily routine with small changes like active travel can be a step towards a healthier lifestyle. Active travel may not always be possible but changes such as parking further away or moving a meeting so you have to walk to attend are great first steps!

Motivation to actively travel can be made easier if joined by friends, colleagues or family members. Why not start a walking group to work which not only will increase your steps but also create an opportunity to talk and start conversations with colleagues before the work day begins. Checking in on each other’s mental health can be an important step in recognising stresses and anxieties that can be reduced by moving!

Getting moving outside has a range of benefits from increasing concentration to reducing stress to lowering blood pressure which not only creates a positive start to the day but ensure our long term mental and physical wellbeing is cared for. Activities like gardening, yoga and walking are all inclusive and low impact movements that increase time spent outside and allow us to refresh.

Mental Health Awareness week in May focuses on the benefits of movement for our mental wellbeing. The beauty of physical activity and movement is that there’s so many choices and opportunities which means there’s something for everyone. The Find Your Active Activity Finder is
something we encourage Essex residents to utilise so they can explore the range of options available to them. Trying something new can open doors to new experiences, connections and positive feelings ; .

Prioritising mental health should start at an early age and the Move With Us campaign highlights how young people should be encouraged to get moving outside. National Walking Month could be a great way to introduce young people to the benefits of being active because experiencing nature with friends or family and chatting along the way can be a positive experience they’ll replicate in adulthood as they develop!

Explore the many ways to get active outdoors this May! Visit: