Mid Essex Recovery College

Content originally from Mid Essex Recovery College

What is the Mid Essex Recovery College?
The Mid Essex Recovery College is a new service run by PROVIDE that runs free courses and workshops aimed to support mental health recovery in the Mid Essex area.

Who can use the College?
College courses are open to anyone who lives or works within the Mid Essex area and aged over 18. We currently advertise our courses on Eventbrite and send out timetables at the beginning of each term. All we ask from you is that you register with the College by completing our registration form once you enrol on our courses.

Where does it run?
Courses and workshops are delivered in a variety of community based venues across Mid Essex as well as online via Microsoft Teams

What type of topics do courses cover?

We aim to deliver a wide breadth of courses in a variety of topics that support mental health recovery, this can be practical areas such as finding and retaining employment, navigating services, or supporting others mental health. Other areas include self care, building resilience, how accessing the natural world supports recovery and looking at how creativity such as photography, film-making and writing can support mental health recovery.

We welcome suggestions on course topics that people who live in Mid Essex would like to see delivered as part of the College programme

Who delivers courses?
Co-production is a fundamental principle of the Recovery College. This means all courses are co-designed and co-delivered between at least two people where there is a combination of a person with “learned” knowledge and skills and a person with “lived experience” of mental health recovery.
We are always interested in hearing from people who would like to co-produce or co-deliver courses with us.

Finding out more …..
If you interested in finding out more about the Recovery College, please contact us on the email address below and a member of the team will be in touch with you.